Bartley C of E Junior School

Think for yourself, act for each other

02380 812173

Winsor Road, Southampton, Hampshire, SO40 2HR

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Bar Modelling

On this page, you will find explanations and examples for how bar models can be used to support the development of your child's confidence and proficiency in interpreting and solving tricky word problems.  A Singapore-style of maths model, bar modelling is a useful tool for helping children visualise and then solve challenging maths problems. Using this approach, even some of the most complex problems can be seen much easier when represented visually.  

You can find out more about how bar modelling works, below, as well as find out more about this year's Barvember challenges from the wonderful White Rose Maths.

What is Bar Modelling?

We know that the bar model is not the ONLY way of visualising a problem and we also know that these problems can be solved in the other ways; however, this is a key approach used across the school as we strongly believe that it is a particularly helpful and effective way of working and thinking.

To find out more about bar modelling, watch the following explanation by Dr Yeap Ban Har on behalf of Maths No Problem:

You might also find this video from the Bar Model Company useful.

Further guidance about bar modelling can also be found here:

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What is Barvember? What’s the point?
Barvember is organised by White Rose Maths to encourage everyone to use the bar model.  This year's Barvember resources will be out soon and, as soon as they are, links will be pasted here for you to keep up to date with the challenges.  In the meantime, you can visit the Barvember page to have a go at some of the problems set in previous years: