Year 3's Home page
Mrs Andrews, Mr Rich, Miss Morrison and Miss Pittman would like to welcome you to our Year 3 page.
On these pages, you will be able to view our year so far and look at some of the work we have been doing. Please click on the images below for further curriculum information and guidance.
Information about specific events can be found on the 'Events and Information' page.
Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday
PE kit reminder:
- Plain black shorts of a reasonable length, jogging bottoms or plain leggings.
- A red t-shirt or polo top, with a school jumper (no hooded jumpers) during the colder weather.
- Trainers should be either plain black (or mostly black) or plain white.
- Items of PE kit should be plain with no obvious logos and no PE skirts should be worn.
Home Learning
Home Learning expectations
Dear Parents/Carers,
At Bartley School we would like to encourage the children to continue to enjoy their learning at home. We believe this will help them to embed the learning they have completed in school. Over each week we would like all children to complete the following.
Spellings - All words and strategies are available on the website. Our year group specific page can be found here.
- Please spend time at home learning the current spelling pattern that has been set for the year group.
- Read over and learn Year 3 and 4 National Curriculum statutory spelling words.
- Use different strategies that you have been taught in class.
Reading - Our year group specific page can be found here.
- Please read with your child at least five times a week and sign their reading diary to confirm this has been completed. This could be a book from home, book from school or Bug Club book. Sharing a book and reading to your child will also give them experience of richer texts.
- Ensure that at least two of the reading sessions are on the Bug Club site, answering the questions related to the book.
- In addition, one of the home learning challenges could also be to write a book review (please ask your child to explore the examples and a template in classrooms).
Maths - Our year group specific page can be found here.
- Use Times Tables Rock Stars to help practise multiplication facts. 5-10 minutes a day is better than one one or two longer sessions each week.
- Play the times tables games shared in the 'Maths Moments' section of the half termly school newsletter (these are also posted on the times table page in the 'Maths Zone'.
- The White Rose Maths Practice Journal will be given to your child and the specified section should be completed each week. You can find the answers to the journals here: Year 3, Year 2, Year 1
- Try to involve your child in as much real life maths as possible throughout the week. For example, telling the time, using money, recognising shapes in the environment and measurement. Further suggestions are in the 'Maths Zone', on the 'Maths at Home' page.
- Use examples from the 'Maths' link in the Year group page that show the representations and vocabulary learnt in class. These are consistent between year groups to help your child as they progress through the school, and build upon those that most children will have seen in their Key Stage 1 learning.
Children could also choose do some extra work on their current or future topic area. They could:
- Read about the topic
- Create an information page of their own.
- Create art linked to the topic or artists that follow that theme.
- Form word banks that could be shared and discussed in class.
Many thanks for your continued support to encourage and help develop your wonderful children.