Bartley C of E Junior School

Think for yourself, act for each other

02380 812173

Winsor Road, Southampton, Hampshire, SO40 2HR

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Meet the teacher 2024/2025



Further details can be found under Home Learning


I realise that there is a lot of information at the start of year Three, so I thought I’d confirm a few details based on some of the questions I’ve received.

Logins for TTRS have been stuck into the back of your child’s Reading Diary. Please could you also take a photo of these in case the book goes missing.

Reading- The children should be reading and filling in their reading diary every day please. The diary and all reading books should be in school every day.

Bug club- The colours for this scheme do not relate to the schemes used at the infant schools so please do not worry if the colour seems different. 

TTRS- Please could the children complete this for a couple of minutes every day. Short everyday sessions will have greater impact than 1 long session. New logins for TTRS have been created as the original ones I stuck in had an issue and haven’t worked.  I will stick these into the children’s reading diaries.

Spellings- All the children are learning spellings in school from our new spelling programme. Each week the focus is on a different phoneme (sound). For home learning the children will learn the words on the list that is attached to the letter sent home. They will be assessed in class on Fridays but not necessarily on the words from the list. It is more about applying the correct spelling of the sound to a word. However, if your child has been sent home with a green card with spellings on them, please could you prioritise learning these words for a test on Fridays. These words are common exception words that they need to learn.

Maths-  The children have a maths home learning book which will be sent home on a Monday each week. We will email on a Monday to confirm which page and activity the children need to complete. The work will be a revision of the lessons they have been doing in class the week before. The children need to bring the book into school when they have completed the task by the following Friday. We will go through the questions in class and mark the work together but you are able to mark the work with your child at home if you wish. On occasion, we will ask the children to work on their times tables using games and TTRS that we have taught them in school, instead of an activity in the book as we may take longer to complete some units in class.

Bartley Year 3-6 Book Club

Coming soon! Our Year 3 and 6 book club will soon be up and running at lunchtimes through the week.  Our year 6 team are looking forward to supporting reading in Year 3 and sharing the enthusiasm for reading right across the school.

 October 2023

This has now started. So wonderful to see so many keen and helpful year 6 children helping and supporting the Year Threes.

Autumn Hook day on Buildings

 To start our year off we had a fun day investigating and looking at different types of buildings. We spent the day constructing towers with newspaper, considering strength and stability. We used straws to make constructions, that could support weight. For this we had to think about angles, joins and how to place the straws to create strength. Finally we sketched buildings from around the world and looked at maps to locate them. 


  In November, Year 3 enjoyed a wonderful visit to Minstead. We looked at what life was like for people during the Stone age and into the Bronze and Iron age. We had a go at dying wool, feeding the sheep, creating willow fences, putting clay onto the roundhouse and listening to stories around the fire. It was an amazing day, where we all learnt so much whilst having fun and enjoying time with our friends.


During the Autumn term, Year 3 have been studying buildings in art, with a focus on line. The children have investigated different painting techniques and also the effect of adding ink to a water colour painting. We finished with a final piece creating a whole building from somewhere of our choice in the world. We hope you enjoy the results.

Spring Term Computing

In computing this term we have been learning about stop motion animation.  We worked in pairs and small groups to plan and make our own animations using tablets.  We used paper to create our background and card to make our characters.  We had to make sure that we took 3 to 5 pictures before we moved our characters to make the film as smooth as we could.

Roman Day

This year's Roman day was amazing with children coming in dressed to impress in their Roman costumes! The children enjoyed a variety of activities including making mosaics, learning how to use Roman Numerals and sketching Roman architecture.  With Archaeologist Gemma, children investigated genuine Roman artefacts, learned all about archaeology and explored fascinating facts about Roman design and lifestyles.  They enjoyed marching like a legionnaire, designing their own Roman coins and learning what we know about wealthy Romans and the evidence they've left behind for us to discover.  Enjoy the slideshows attached below.

Farm Buildings

During Design Technology Year 3 have been having fun designing and making farm buildings. We designed, measured, cut and attached materials to create a building using features observed in images of farm buildings from the past. We were all very impressed with the results.

Some prior years' trips and events are shown below 

(for most up to date see above)


Bartley trip to Hillier Gardens

Last term, our year 3's visited Hillier Gardens to pond dip, habitat hunt and explore their way through Sir Harold Hillier Gardens’ 180 acres of natural beauty.  Below is a video of the day.

Memory Day

Due to the impact of Corona virus lockdowns and closures, many of the school trips we would have normally enjoyed could not go ahead this year.  However we really wanted to give the children some extracurricular activities they could remember.  To that end we ran a 'Memory Day'. 

At the start of the day, the children enjoyed a fantastic show of birds of prey from Liberties Raptor and Reptile centre.  They encountered some stunning birds demonstrating their awe inspiring natural abilities and learned all about them.   

Later we built dens using branches brought in by helpful forester parents.  We did a circuit of our newly completed running track around the field with a variety of well-being related challenges at regular stops on the circuit.  We also had fun doing a treasure hunt and having a go at juggling. In the afternoon, we enjoyed a camp-fire singalong, making art with nature in the environmental area and to round it all off, ice lollies in the sunshine!  A lovely, memorable day that was enjoyed by all!  Enjoy the slideshows below:

Roman Day

This year's Roman day was a great success with children coming in dressed to impress in their Roman regalia! They enjoying a variety of activities from making mosaics to learning how to use Roman Numerals.  With Archaeologist Gemma, children investigated genuine Roman artefacts, learned all about archaeology and explored fascinating facts about Roman design and lifestyles.  They enjoyed marching like a legionnaires, designing their own Roman coins and learning what we know about wealthy Romans and the evidence they've left behind for us to discover.  Enjoy the slideshows attached below. 

Here are some of the amazing activities and trips that Year 3 have been enjoying !


Below are the pictures from previous Roman Days, visits by local artist Alan Langford, and our Science trip to Hillier Gardens.    


Roman Day

The children looked fantastic dressed in their Roman clothes.  We had a brilliant day learning about roman numerals, creating mosaics and learning about the Romans with local archaeologist, Gemma from Trench 1 Archaeology.

Alan Langford and the dragons!

Local artist, Alan Langford, visited Year 3 in previous years to teach us some techniques for sketching and painting using watercolours.  He gave us lots of tips about the materials and process of producing a painting.  While he worked, the children used his picture to inspire words and phrases that they could use in their story writing to describe the dragon and knight. Every year, we are inspired and amazed by Alan's work and it definitely helps trigger our imaginations and enthusiasm for our upcoming English topic - writing our own legend!

 Science Trip to Hilliers

Our trip to Hilliers supported our Science topics about plants, animals and life cycles.  We had a fantastic day in the sunshine!