In the second half of the Autumn term, we have been exploring states of matter. We have been learning:
- about how to identify solids, liquids (and gases);
- the effect of heat on materials (namely chocolate);
- about the difference between thermal insulators and conductors;
- about what evaporation is;
- to make and test predictions;
- to plan an investigation, considering how to make it fair;
- how to interpret data shown on a line graph of our results;
- what is important when drawing conclusions;
- to consider how we might improve an investigation.
Below is our knowledge organiser for this unit:
During the first half of the Autumn term, we explored electricity. We have been learning:
- about the potential dangers of electricity and how to stay safe;
- what a circuit is;
- the difference between a series circuit and a parallel circuit;
- how to make a circuit;
- about symbols for electrical components;
- about the difference between insulators and conductors;
- to plan and carry out a fair test.
Below is our knowledge organiser for this unit: