Bartley C of E Junior School

Think for yourself, act for each other

02380 812173

Winsor Road, Southampton, Hampshire, SO40 2HR

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Parent / Carer Forum


Bartley CE Junior School has just held it's first Parent and Carer Forum.

The group looks to promote the parent voice in the life of the school. The forum consults regularly with parents and carers. Representation from the governing body on the Parent Forum ensures that the views of parents and carers are reported regularly to the full governing body of the school - informing decision-making at the highest level of school management.

The Parent and Carer Forum objectives are:

  • To work in partnership with the school, to create a welcoming school which is inclusive for all parents.
  • To promote partnership between the school, its students and its parents.
  • To develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of the students including raising revenue where appropriate.
  • To identify and represent the views of parents about the education provided by the school and other matters affecting the education and welfare of the students.
  • To allow for consultation with parents and carers.

Our Commitment

The Parent and Carer Forum is a platform for parents and carers through which to express their suggestions and ideas for improvements at the school. We are committed to working closely with parents and carers to ensure they are completely happy with their child's education and feel that their views and opinions are listened to and acted upon.


The Parent and Carer Forum is made up of one representative per class (12 members). The Forum will be attended by a member of the Governing Body and / or members of the Senior Leadership Team. The Parent and Carer Forum can ask for other members of staff to attend if required.

It is very important to note that the Parent and Carer Forum will NOT have any statutory responsibilities, duties or powers in the school, but it will help us to communicate more effectively with our parent and carer community.


Parent/Carer Forum Welcome PowerPoint


Minutes from Feb 2018 Parent/Carer Forum

 Minutes from Nov 2018 Parent/Carer Forum